Contents: 90 capsules
《 feature 》
◉Nano-type lactic acid bacteria nEF / 168mg * Daily intake guideline per 3 tablets
30 trillion pieces in one bottle! Firmly absorbs lactic acid bacteria. It is a lactic acid bacterium nano-sized by the patented manufacturing method and has a high absorption rate, so you can efficiently ingest high-quality and high-performance lactic acid bacteria even in a small amount. It contains 5 trillion bacteria per gram of product.
◉Black ginger / 10mg * Estimated daily intake per 3 tablets
Supporting energy and lively from within. Also called black ginger (black turmeric) in Japan, the Thai name is Krachaidum, an herb that has been used as a healthy food for a long time.
◉NMN nicotinamide mononucleotide
Derived from yeast, purity 99.9%, 1 bottle 6,300 mg combination Strongly supports daily energy and youthfulness! NMN is a type of vitamin discovered from yeast research. The ability to make decreases with age. It is a noteworthy ingredient for people to live.