Morato Cloak THE METHOD Notice of Betrayal and Termination of Contract

January 27, 2020

On the website of Morato Cloak (Solana Beauty Servers Inc.), our contracted agency, we falsified the treatment result photos and "customer feedback" of the Rejuvenation System, making it appear as if it was an independently developed treatment result. (THE METHOD) I found that it was used and posted in advertisements.

In response to this problem, we recognize that it is an act of misidentifying and confusing THE METHOD with the treatment by the rejuvenation system that our company taught, and is a serious act of betrayal.

Along with this, we have sent a notice of cancellation of the agency contract and a content certificate demanding correction of the content of the website. We believe that this problem will seriously damage our credibility, so we would like to deal with it strictly.

In addition, there is a risk that salon operators who have a contract with THE METHOD may be using our treatment result photos without permission. Even if it is used without malice, it will be a problematic act, so please feel free to contact us if you have any idea.

Consultation desk for this matter: 06-6867-9010

Certified mail sent January 24, 2020

Representative Director Hiromi Sato

Misleading Website Expressions

We have saved the website information in advance in order to deal with it strictly in the future. What you will see this time is "evidence" that wrong information was given to the customer (consumer) who visited the salon and made a contract.

This page is about "THE METHOD". I think that you can get information about "THE METHOD" by looking at this page. However, the contents described are very similar to the concept of our brand "Rejuvenation System". (text appears to be used verbatim)

It is very similar to the wording that our company has been using as a brand concept for 20 years.

This is a contest "Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Contest" held by our company Rejuvenation as the organizer. Our company name and brand name are not mentioned at all.

It states that it won the award in this contest, but if you read the contents below carefully, it is expressed as if it was the result of "THE METHOD". The content is that the customer who received the treatment was also glad to receive "THE METHOD".

The contest held by our company is, of course, based on the results of our brand "Rejuvenation System", and salons all over the country compete to determine the superiority or inferiority. "THE METHOD" has absolutely nothing to do with this contest, and we believe that the expression is misleading to our customers.

Photos of treatment results are the results of our main brand (esthetic), "Rejuvenation System".

*The photo of the award ceremony includes our representative, so it is clear that it is a photo of a contest held by our company.

It is a contest "Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Contest" held by Rejuvenation as the organizer. Our company name and brand name are not mentioned at all.

The content is expressed as if it were the result of "THE METHOD". The content is that the customer who received the treatment was also glad to receive "THE METHOD".

Despite the fact that all result photos and content are the results of the "Rejuvenation System", we believe that such expressions that mislead customers and site visitors are unacceptable.


This is a leaflet that was distributed at a beauty exhibition held in 2019. On the back of the leaflet is about "THE METHOD", but the one used is the result photo of the "Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Contest" held by our company in September 2013.

In this way, the operating company of "Morato Cloak" that has continued to deceive many consumers by deceiving the results of our "Rejuvenation System" as if it were a picture of the results of a menu developed by ourselves. I cannot forgive Mr. Chino Yamamoto of Solana Beauty Servers Co., Ltd.